2002-12-31 - NYE whoopity do
2002-12-30 - to the point
2002-12-25 - like Bob Villa without a plaid shirt and a beard
2002-12-23 - quickie update
2002-12-21 - I'm not sure where this is all going
2002-12-20 - my own fiction
2002-12-20 - who are you?
2002-12-20 - Argh... I'm sick. again
2002-12-19 - Tardy...... who knew how veryl ate he would be
2002-12-14 - swap meet
2002-12-13 - off to the home depot....
2002-12-12 - things worth mentioning. or not.
2002-12-12 - more birthdays, yes other people have them besides me
2002-12-11 - slightly more in depth
2002-12-07 - John Mayer gives good.....
2002-12-03 - everything is great.... really really great
2002-12-02 - transitions.....
2002-12-02 - oh great magic 8 ball what do you say?
2002-12-01 - shallow, like a kiddie pool
2002-12-01 - is this how it's suppose to be?
2002-12-01 - When it's not so cool to say "I told you so."
2002-11-30 - No, this is not a date
2002-11-30 - the luckiest girl on the net
2002-11-30 - my new experiment
2002-11-29 - sometimes someone says what you want to hear
2002-11-29 - it walks among us...... in sweats of all things
2002-11-28 - my family is nuts.... at least I come by it honestly
2002-11-28 - fucking,fucked,fuck,fucker.... all f word all the time
2002-11-27 - the return of lateness
2002-11-27 - blah for no damn good reason
2002-11-26 - my only drinking problem is getting it to my mouth
2002-11-26 - yea! yea! yea!
2002-11-26 - well first you flap your arms.....
2002-11-25 - karma... a bitch just like Eminem's mom
2002-11-25 - starting with an apology to those trying to lose weight......
2002-11-25 - puppet people
2002-11-24 - no coup planned
2002-11-23 - it could have been miles worse
2002-11-23 - from my brain to my fingers tips
2002-11-22 - it is.... I swear
2002-11-21 - when in doubt.... get a dog
2002-11-20 - just your imagination
2002-11-18 - housesitting
2002-11-17 - I am U.P.
2002-11-16 - Get Lucky
2002-11-16 - Mrs PR's birthday
2002-11-14 - while I was out
2002-11-14 - not the shortest entry in the world, but possibly the most boring
2002-11-13 - major and minor setbacks
2002-11-13 - alright enough with the evil plots already!
2002-11-12 - when you're not looking...... they really aren't kidding
2002-11-12 - only slightly neurotic
2002-11-12 - maybe it was all a dream........
2002-11-11 - funny hits
2002-11-10 - moi? serious?
2002-11-10 - well lookie there... growing as a person...
2002-11-10 - so sherpa and I didn't even know it
2002-11-09 - short of gaze
2002-11-08 - choices we make
2002-11-07 - that much closer
2002-11-07 - social obligations... so sue me
2002-11-04 - 5 minutes at a time
2002-11-04 - bitch and whine.... all about the shit lists
2002-11-03 - kids like dinosaurs, girls like barbies
2002-11-02 - how it is
2002-11-02 - at least there was a call
2002-11-02 - oh look who is back......
2002-11-02 - why does this always happen to me?
2002-11-01 - tummy gauge
2002-10-31 - it's a hollyweird for halloween
2002-10-29 - An urgancy
2002-10-28 - just that much closer to relaxation
2002-10-27 - everyone has an agenda
2002-10-26 - The eternal balance
2002-10-26 - The Peanut Gallery... unmasked...
2002-10-25 - I'll be asking my fairy godmother for some more comfortable shoes
2002-10-24 - an entry about concentration camp.... err I mean work
2002-10-24 - stuuuuuufffff
2002-10-24 - google freaks
2002-10-23 - Mommie makes with the pretties
2002-10-22 - no sleep til brookline.... as mr B&B put it
2002-10-21 - I think it was bad cheese
2002-10-20 - Hmmmm and then? And then?
2002-10-19 - all about apathy
2002-10-19 - Hmmm TV!
2002-10-18 - smell my thumb.....
2002-10-17 - moving nightmare
2002-10-17 - There is no dancing in Music Town
2002-10-16 - the bitch and ass crack mystery solved for Mr. B&B
2002-10-16 - so that's what my lungs look like!
2002-10-15 - the sherpas have agendas
2002-10-15 - but we can still be friends.......
2002-10-14 - the lamest entry this week... and it's only Monday
2002-10-14 - phase one of evil plan complete
2002-10-13 - We all SCREAM for ice cream
2002-10-13 - burning ears
2002-10-13 - and so life goes on
2002-10-12 - Bread for you, bread for me
2002-10-12 - why didn't I do musicals?
2002-10-12 - no promises
2002-10-11 - lettin the man get us down
2002-10-10 - the day 3, the pie 0
2002-10-09 - Underoos!
2002-10-09 - brains like peas
2002-10-09 - put it in fifth and don't look back
2002-10-08 - once again, I told you so
2002-10-08 - it can only get better... or possibly worse.....
2002-10-07 - Does it ever just stop?
2002-10-07 - bahhh-duh
2002-10-06 - Clean socks
2002-10-06 - good in theory
2002-10-05 - The right people in the right positions
2002-10-04 - never again
2002-10-04 - some people just don't know when to shut up
2002-10-04 - fucking stalkers
2002-10-04 - NEED!
2002-10-04 - yea drinkin on an empty stomach
2002-10-04 - putting my faith somewhere where it doesn't belong
2002-10-03 - her name is still not Warren
2002-10-02 - this is only a drill
2002-10-01 - Building a henge we are
2002-09-30 - upgraded to stable
2002-09-30 - a whole lot of spankin new nothing
2002-09-29 - on a roll
2002-09-29 - does this mean it was a good party?
2002-09-29 - Obligatory female divider
2002-09-28 - you smell like a drunk lady
2002-09-28 - count the blessings
2002-09-27 - same old work drivel
2002-09-26 - commitment phobe
2002-09-26 - did I just hear what I thought I heard?
2002-09-25 - Don't forget the gout
2002-09-25 - slosh, slosh
2002-09-24 - that kind of old
2002-09-23 - so damn PC
2002-09-23 - Tube of toothpaste
2002-09-23 - battlecry
2002-09-23 - just a little bad
2002-09-22 - my mom rules
2002-09-22 - herding.... and I thought there were no shepards anymore
2002-09-22 - what he said I said.....
2002-09-21 - mellow weekend
2002-09-20 - Mouth to mouth
2002-09-19 - if you have to ask
2002-09-19 - qualcomm.....
2002-09-18 - Chores
2002-09-18 - why are people so incredibly dumb?
2002-09-17 - time is a ticking
2002-09-17 - it was all expected... and accepted
2002-09-16 - tiddly winks?
2002-09-15 - open, free and clear
2002-09-14 - grab em in the biscuits
2002-09-13 - when they wiggle their fingers like that, run
2002-09-12 - always a surprise
2002-09-12 - what you want and what you've got
2002-09-11 - like a rock in a lake
2002-09-11 - but if I were I would expect it to come wrapped in a bow
2002-09-10 - damn slutty goats
2002-09-10 - The menu
2002-09-10 - send in the national guard
2002-09-09 - gut instinct
2002-09-09 - and now?
2002-09-08 - not a word
2002-09-06 - oh my aches and pains
2002-09-05 - bits of trivality
2002-09-04 - a few of the many reason why I suck
2002-09-04 - the right way
2002-09-04 - well that was a short apocolypse
2002-09-03 - This day will forever be know as the day the apocolypse hit the apartment
2002-09-03 - I am the picture of suckiness
2002-09-02 - so cranky I can't even stand my own company
2002-09-02 - Because it is the Disney way
2002-08-31 - 3 out of 12 ain't bad
2002-08-31 - Miss me while I was gone?
2002-08-29 - do what I say not what I do
2002-08-29 - the picking of the bones
2002-08-28 - I am not dead.... pale as a ghost but not dead
2002-08-27 - save me from the stupid people!
2002-08-26 - my evil twin
2002-08-25 - jokes boys make
2002-08-25 - Old bag eyes
2002-08-24 - my shell
2002-08-24 - Weekly World News
2002-08-24 - blue arrow adventure
2002-08-23 - quirky and French
2002-08-23 - As the world turns......
2002-08-22 - sucked into a black hole
2002-08-22 - like a brick
2002-08-21 - drinking buddies
2002-08-21 - kids say the darndest things
2002-08-21 - sleep deprived
2002-08-20 - nails and words and holes and silence
2002-08-19 - a tap dancing zombie moose with a shopping cart
2002-08-19 - the longest entry I've ever made...... you can skip it.... it won't hurt my feelings..... much...... if you don't like John Mayer you really should skip it......damn a long description too
2002-08-18 - ye olde cult days
2002-08-18 - I (heart) the music.......
2002-08-17 - Weather Forcasts
2002-08-16 - a whole new me... one that has had some sleep
2002-08-15 - the playground of my subconscious
2002-08-15 - I could dance around the room, but I'm kinda tired
2002-08-14 - mud
2002-08-14 - mud
2002-08-14 - sacred hubcaps
2002-08-13 - a good start
2002-08-13 - don't call us, we'll call you
2002-08-12 - backhanded luck
2002-08-11 - this is what happened
2002-08-11 - post party
2002-08-10 - this hamster is gonna take over the world, or at least the rest of the cage
2002-08-09 - presto chango
2002-08-09 - un clavo saca otro clavo
2002-08-09 - if my mind had a soundtrack
2002-08-08 - just what the doctor ordered
2002-08-07 - I knew I was fucked, it didn't make it any better
2002-08-06 - a whole vortex of suck
2002-08-06 - it's all in the timing
2002-08-05 - getting my ducks in a row...... or something
2002-08-05 - I'm usually ending my nights at 4am, not starting my days
2002-08-04 - my friend Harold....
2002-08-03 - the mileage
2002-08-03 - stupid stupid stupid white people dancing
2002-08-02 - backlash of the crappy day
2002-08-01 - sometimes you just want to feel better.... not be told you're an idiot
2002-08-01 - there is a first for everything
2002-07-31 - good food
2002-07-30 - when bickering is a good thing
2002-07-30 - a trip to the random side of town
2002-07-29 - my bright and shiney future
2002-07-29 - the big move
2002-07-27 - maybe it's time
2002-07-26 - brillant conclusions
2002-07-26 - don't screw with me, I'm grouchy
2002-07-26 - collective consciousness
2002-07-25 - I want my mommy
2002-07-25 - all in a day's work........
2002-07-24 - they were all right............ man I hate saying that
2002-07-24 - white legs... very white legs
2002-07-24 - secret agent..... codename: short stuff
2002-07-23 - nuttin but trouble, and not the kind I like
2002-07-23 - hunger strikes
2002-07-23 - Again with the psychic powers
2002-07-23 - the world according to Top Gun
2002-07-22 - my time on the fence
2002-07-22 - phone calls
2002-07-22 - Living on the ark
2002-07-22 - migraines suck
2002-07-21 - Um wow..... but then there is the bad
2002-07-21 - Lucy had some 'splainin to do
2002-07-21 - John Mayer is crazy sex
2002-07-20 - margaritavilla
2002-07-20 - chicks with eating dissorders
2002-07-20 - extreme nervous energy
2002-07-20 - plan A.... it sucked, but it worked..... now I'm a wreck
2002-07-20 - I wish it were easy
2002-07-19 - and it drags on...........
2002-07-18 - advice from Clout
2002-07-17 - gimme a plan C
2002-07-16 - wish list
2002-07-16 - more stuff about the snake, and an intro to Clout
2002-07-15 - life in the wilds of temecula
2002-07-15 - who let the boobs out?
2002-07-15 - oh no I've contracted Becky disease
2002-07-13 - mysterious mysteries of strange mystery
2002-07-13 - Ghetto Night Out
2002-07-12 - where the hell did you come from?
2002-07-12 - not to be too forward
2002-07-11 - what ever happened to......
2002-07-11 - I've fallen and I can't get up
2002-07-11 - I'm awake, sorta
2002-07-11 - it's bad enough I have to go there during the day
2002-07-10 - stranger in your own home
2002-07-10 - the people around you
2002-07-10 - a really long lunch break
2002-07-09 - I blew myself out
2002-07-09 - Save the world
2002-07-09 - ashamed, sick, used, and weak
2002-07-09 - emotional jag
2002-07-09 - I pay rent here you don't
2002-07-08 - that didn't last long
2002-07-08 - ew it's so gross
2002-07-08 - I don't have a hunchback
2002-07-08 - relax
2002-07-07 - there are a million ways it could be worse
2002-07-07 - the very very long night
2002-07-06 - rejection, failure, running
2002-07-06 - weighting the options
2002-07-05 - Me DeMille I'm ready for my close up
2002-07-04 - not my day
2002-07-04 - is it settling
2002-07-03 - the cure
2002-07-03 - new twist on the same old fucking story
2002-07-03 - day late dollar short
2002-07-03 - *sigh*
2002-07-02 - playing my cards close
2002-07-02 - oh. well. Hmmm.
2002-07-02 - all this on a work night no less
2002-07-01 - drinking with the felons
2002-07-01 - abuse me day
2002-07-01 - tired
2002-06-30 - yet another random run in
2002-06-30 - Squirrel assasins......
2002-06-30 - you dropped a bomb....... on the kitchen
2002-06-29 - I could have had new shoes
2002-06-29 - I thought I had direction with this.......
2002-06-28 - the humor in acne
2002-06-28 - my hot date
2002-06-27 - no one here to make me do chores
2002-06-27 - same place just a different time
2002-06-26 - short commercial break
2002-06-26 - Free the pie
2002-06-26 - the ugly limping monster
2002-06-25 - the big gay bed
2002-06-25 - you and your horse buddy
2002-06-25 - 550 big whoopin dooo
2002-06-25 - you're kidding me
2002-06-24 - selfinvolved pontification
2002-06-24 - Scarier than the boogeyman
2002-06-24 - my issues
2002-06-23 - You could be black
2002-06-23 - lack of motivation
2002-06-23 - still bored at work
2002-06-23 - don't suck!
2002-06-22 - girls with drills
2002-06-22 - grilled cheese and head scratches
2002-06-21 - Charming and graceful........
2002-06-20 - neat streak
2002-06-19 - Secrets
2002-06-19 - all is quiet on the homefront
2002-06-18 - anyone's guess
2002-06-18 - bad crack
2002-06-17 - the downfall of good moods
2002-06-17 - a good afternoon's rest
2002-06-16 - What I got.....
2002-06-16 - I will not wear teal taffeta
2002-06-14 - boredom breeds many entries
2002-06-14 - a long way baby
2002-06-13 - I blame the lakers
2002-06-12 - all bad things involve boys
2002-06-11 - There are worse things in the world
2002-06-10 - groggy
2002-06-09 - and on the bright side of things
2002-06-06 - out of whack impulse control problem
2002-06-06 - geeker toolbox joy
2002-06-04 - construction
2002-06-03 - the road to hell
2002-06-03 - understanding silence
2002-06-01 - the cat out of the bag
2002-05-28 - breakin the law
2002-05-26 - out with the paranoia and in with something else
2002-05-25 - long lost friends
2002-05-24 - big plans
2002-05-22 - 400 balloons
2002-05-19 - a good night's rest, long overdue
2002-05-17 - beyond your nose
2002-05-16 - short note
2002-05-15 - learning from ones mistakes
2002-05-13 - just say no to futons
2002-05-12 - I'm gonna need a bigger net
2002-05-12 - secretary spread
2002-05-12 - lone redwood.......
2002-05-08 - the horror of sheer boredom
2002-05-06 - single.......again
2002-05-05 - Quatro de Mayo
2002-05-01 - hip hip hooray for the mechanically inclined
2002-04-30 - accident prone
2002-04-29 - is this it?
2002-04-24 - evil double life
2002-04-21 - what's up with the reruns
2002-04-20 - boys suck
2002-04-20 - I brake for Top Ramen
2002-04-17 - quinky dinks
2002-04-17 - phase 2: incomplete
2002-04-16 - well at least I didn't call in dead
2002-04-16 - screw you mars and venus
2002-04-15 - big day out
2002-04-12 - kissing happy accidents
2002-04-10 - let me vauge it up for you
2002-04-09 - bald is beautiful
2002-04-08 - problems, solutions, more problems
2002-04-07 - how to be a beach
2002-04-06 - foiled again
2002-04-05 - earthquakes
2002-04-04 - insanity, could happen
2002-04-02 - the rest of your life starts tomorrow
2002-03-29 - persistant kitty
2002-03-28 - and the losers are.....
2002-03-27 - make it all go back
2002-03-26 - one more time with feeling
2002-03-25 - balances
2002-03-24 - the day of boobs
2002-03-23 - not a return per say.... just things to think about
2002-03-19 - a parting of ways
2002-03-18 - a good day
2002-03-17 - Ugly face
2002-03-17 - evil chain letter lovin pixies
2002-03-17 - you want to wipe your feet on my shirt?
2002-03-15 - let me shine some light on the subject
2002-03-13 - a kept man.....
2002-03-11 - um
2002-03-09 - strange mating rituals of tacky people in bars
2002-03-07 - want it need it want it need it
2002-04-01 - photo field trip
2002-03-06 - Don't kill the kittens
2002-03-05 - lucky lotto
2002-03-02 - The lump in the bed
2002-02-26 - the worst day of the year
2002-02-24 - Waiting for the flash flood
2002-02-23 - all the stuff I was pretending I didn't know
2002-02-18 - I kissed a girl......
2002-02-12 - pleaseplease come beat down my door
2002-02-11 - everyone cross their fingers... and toes for a good measure
2002-02-10 - high wind advisory
2002-02-09 - the ties that bind us
2002-02-07 - keepin it brief
2002-03-27 - take a number
2002-02-22 - Shibby
2002-02-05 - I win some
2002-02-05 - I wonder if anyone has job entitled "resident smart ass", that would so be mine
2002-02-04 - Spring cleaning
2002-02-04 - sleepy head
2002-02-01 - journal's have feelings too, well ok not really
2002-02-01 - I can't believe I ate the whole thing
2002-02-04 - action and reaction
2002-01-29 - the curse of cute
2002-01-29 - given my walking papers
2002-01-28 - well I've grown.... you seem to have regressed
2002-01-27 - what the past doesn't know
2002-01-25 - neglect and abuse
2002-01-24 - nasty notes and men in skirts
2002-01-23 - now with new shoes
2002-01-22 - earplugs and peaceful sleep
2002-01-20 - the den of alternative sexuality...... and then some bad stuff
2002-01-19 - bacon
2002-01-18 - I have returned, as I said I would
2002-01-13 - grinning fool
2002-01-13 - the whore, and friends
2002-01-12 - does it ever end?
2002-01-12 - don't be a feeb
2002-01-10 - breaking news at 11
2002-01-10 - boys and other nosey people
2002-01-10 - this girl is occupied
2002-01-09 - Grumble and grouse
2002-01-07 - yuck.....
2002-01-06 - Renaming Saturday Strangeday
2002-01-04 - quizzes!
2002-01-04 - you dropped a bomb on me
2002-01-04 - do you like sex and travel
2002-01-03 - life does indeed move on even your love life
2002-01-03 - female sexuality, there's more to the story
2002-01-02 - First Tom Selleck now school what are my dreams coming to?
2002-01-02 - I suppose I brought it on myself
2002-01-01 - hm not very surprising really
2002-01-01 - dealer's high
2002-01-01 - Sitting on the fence
2002-01-01 - and you are? oh the go go box whore..... right
2002-03-02 - lumpsville
2002-01-03 - my monkey ate my homework