wow, I just got accidentally sucked into some melodrama. in all my petty he said, she said, ect things in my life I hope I never sounded like that. Anyhow.

I tried to nap.

I wanted to nap.

fate had something else planned..... my cell phone rang twice. hardly anyone has the number and all I got were beeps in the ear. how very annoying.

and then Grandma called on the regular phone asking me vauge questions about something for my mom. if she were more specific I might have been able to give her the right answer, as it were eveything I threw out as a possible answer she shot down. so I was no help on that front.

I have yet to sit with the roomates to talk about me leaving a little sooner than Feb. we have things to discuss on that front. in the end if I don't get my way they can pretty much kiss my ass. I've been more than understanding and forgiving of a lot of things involving someone moving in and what not. I would only be leaving a month earlier than planned. and they were chomping at the bit to get rid of me not too long ago. I guess they should be careful of what they wish for. This is the best opportunity I've had in a long time and I'll be damned if I give it up for their convience since they haven't really been thinking of mine all that much. plus if he and I could make rent with out her here they can make rent for a month without me here.

Yea ok so I feel a little guilty but I swear if they try to capitalize on it I will go agro..... and it will be ugly.

there is one thing that could make it all perfect but I dare not voice that one out loud.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-11-26 / 4:32
yea! yea! yea!