I came home from work early this morning because migraines and climbing ladders don't mix when you get the kind that has the whole fuzzy black blind spots in your vision.

They actually wanted me to climb to the ceiling and move something when they knew I couldn't exactly see. mix that with a splitting headache and some nausea and you know where I was around 6am.

came home and slept. I feel better. a little sick to my stomach still but that might just be hunger. after I get a migraine and it goes away I can eat almost an entire pizza by myself.

I'm contemplating calling (name of person) later. I don't think he's interested in me so it would be kinda pointless.

That's a whole mess I'm not even sure about. I didn't want him to come over yesterday but they took it out of my hands. I just like to do things on my terms even if my terms are dorky.

anyhow. don't know what Im gonna do.

I would gather advice but I know what people would tell me and I'm not sure they're right.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-22 / 11:11
migraines suck