I worked my ass of today.

it was all run run run, go go go.

I rule in a very vauge sense of the word today.

still not being spoken to by the roomie. if he thinks I'm talking to him first he is so sadly mistaken. childish? stubborn? so?

someone came up in converstain the other day... err maybe it was the other week now. at the time I paid it no attention because I had something else sorta going on but it's been in the back of my mind ever since. the conversation when something like this. (ok only a little like this, it was weeks ago my memory is foggy.)

friend of my roomate: "blah blah blah (name of person) blah blah blah"

me: "oh, (name of person) he's hot.

friend of roomate: "but aren't you....."

me: "Sorta. but it doesn't make him any less hot."

friend of roomate: "I didn't even know you knew (name of person)"

me: "I don't. I met him once."

friend of roomate: "He's a really nice guy. don't crush him."

me: "how could I crush him, I don't even know him."

I guess my roomate's friend has a higher opinion of me than I do. I don't think I've ever crushed anyone in my entire life. point being this person has been on my mind of late. his work is right by the post office and I almost went over but couldn't think of a reason why I would be there so I didn't.

with the state of things between my roomate and I, wrangling another introduction where I would look stunning is next to impossible and I know my first impression was less than memorable so it would seem strange if I just walked up to him and started talking to him.

must come up with another plan because I want to meet him again... last time was just not a good time. I had just gotten off of work and I looked horrible, plus things with the sleazoid had just ended and I was in a crappy state of mind.

and none of the guys I know would be able to give me the right kind of advice on how to go about this. I have absolutely no reason to go by his work, so to go there and make some kind of move seems pretty much out. or is it? would that be flattering? Hell I don't even know if he's single or not. my roomate sure picked a rotten time to be a sullen pain in my ass.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-12 / 2:40
not to be too forward