things are good.

many things to look forward to for once.

sometimes things seem completely random but I believe that somehow there's more of a master plan to it all. got a piece of mail today. It really takes some talent to say things and not say things and some shift reality all at the same time. I wish I could get excited about it. but it doesn't inspire much of anything in me anymore. well, except maybe this passing paragraph.

and onto other things more or less of importance.

there are moments when I have so much to say, so much to ask, but it wouldn't make a difference. not like I'd get a real honest truthful answer anyway. I don't know if I ever have. it wouldn't change anything to actually speak my mind anyhow. I know what I know and that's enough. damn good reasons really, but no urge to prove anything to anyone. indifference be blessed.

this somehow seems to have become a downer which is silly because I could kiss my happy accidents were they actually tangible beings.....

well actually when I think about it one of them is, so maybe I'll kiss him next time I get the chance.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-04-12 / 5:37
kissing happy accidents