I slept in today. rock on me.

my grandmother called over here today and thought I was my mom for a good 5 or 10 minutes. It was kinda funny in the it means I've been smoking way too much kinda way.

I'm planning on going out tonight after I meet up with the art director from that short.

I'm getting a copy of the script and we're gonna bounce some ideas off of each other. It's still kind of up in the air whether I'm going to do it or not.

I'm kinda having second thoughts about if I can even do this or not. there was a reason I gave this up. I don't mind giving him some ideas about what he could do but him putting it in my hands and saying "Here. go." I don't know. I know what I'm talking about but if I could actually do it, I don't know. *sigh* I wouldn't actually have to sew or anything just some dyeing and distressing but I'm kinda of having a mini freak out about it all. I don't usually doubt myself this much, so I'm wondering if I have a reason to or not.

Part of me really wants to do it, part of me is saying that I just don't have the ability and I'm just going to end up letting everyone down. I still have time to say I don't want to do it.

there are really times in your life when you wish you had someone that knows you well enough to either boost you up or tell you that maybe this isn't something you should do. Everyone I know would just tell me to do it and not get why I'm afraid to. I'm just gonna have to figure it out on my own.

lucky me.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-06 / 10:50
weighting the options