it would seem it's disgruntled employees unite day..... you know, that should be an offical day on the calendar where you get to stick it to "the man", whoever "the man" may be......

I'm so excited. I have a place to live! I have a place to live! I have no money because of work sucking and cutting my hours..... but I have a place to live and I'll have a new job soon.

I'm looking forward to having my own bathroom most of all.....

it's odd with everything going on at work it's always around my birthday that everything goes wrong. I have yet to figure out why.

work is... well bad things happened and continue to happen but I'll only be there for another month unless I get fired before then. which who knows it could happen.... who would have ever thought that? the same place that begged me to stay is now looking for a reason to fire me. I've never been fired from anywhere before. I had never had a corrective in 3 some odd years and never had a bad review. does anyone look at this and wonder what suddenly changed. Nope. I have yet to figure out why they are so anxious to get rid of me all of a sudden.

my manager was crazy enough to ask why I didn't get a certain position that I wanted. Um because you've ruined any chance of me ever doing anything here except getting fired or having to leave! Maybe that's why? luckily she didn't ask me because I don't think I could have bitten my tongue. She has no clue what her petty actions do to other people. She has no clue period.

it'll be hard not to go out with a bang..... there are so many things I would like to say to people but unless I'm leaving the company entirely (cross your fingers and your toes) I can't because it could really mess me up later on.

the first on the list being to my manager is that because you went and got a certificate in fashion merchandising does not mean you have a college degree so stop saying you graduated from college. it's a damn vocational school...... it's like going to Devry.... hell I have more of a college education than she does. I certainly don't go around blabbing about my schooling.

and speaking of school it looks liek I'll be going back. scary ain't it. I'm actually not dreading it as much as I thought I would, I never knew what I was working towards before. Yea I had a major but I had no idea what I would do with it when I was done. not that I know what I'll do with an english degree either. still.

today is a happy and sad day all in one. Ok so I'm missing my 2 weeks to change my life thing by about 3 weeks but the wheels are in motion so I can't complain.

this whole year has been a closing of chapters for me. finally getting away from C for good. making new great friends. that thing I've been doing for personal growth is going swimmingly.

Today I don't feel like I'm flailing in a stagnant pool. I'm cruising downstream. Heading for something big. Tomorrow I might panic and doubt myself and feel differently but today things are moving up, forward.... energy costs have gone down and they turned the light at the end of the tunnel back on.

I still have a bit of gnawing pain in my stomach because nothing is perfect or certain but life is not horrible or dreadful and I have no desire to hide under the covers for the first time in awhile.

for once it's not being worried because I don't know where I'm going it's more of a happiness because everything is open to me. nothing is set in stone.

I'm shooting for the sun and will settle for the moon..... hmmm though my own intergalactic planatary system doesn't look too bad either.

I have an email to write. plain and simple. stripped down and bare. I mean what do I have to lose?


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-12-02 / 2:34