ok I feel better, I was really down for a little while but I'm on the how to fix it phase.

I did some things.

I'm on the right track.

I told someone, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...... when I'm done with all this I should be able to bend steel with my bare hands.

this is why I just can't fathom getting into a realtionship right now. I thought I could, but today I figured out that I can't. I can't just set all my crap at someone's doorstep and say "Love me anyway". Unconditional love from anyone but your family is a load of hooey anyhow.

I have alot of things to be proud of though. I'm a lot more interesting than the back of a tube of toothpaste it would seem. And this is a great compliment considering the context.

Bigger and Better things.

Indeed. Indeed.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-09-23 / 9:34
Tube of toothpaste