Blah had a weird reaction to my salad yesterday.....though hot waiter made up for the bad salad. I was already majorly zoned out and that just made it worse. D and I spent alot of time driving aimlessly because I just would plain forget where I was going and would just be driving randomly.

I think I saw someone from Diaryland while driving through Kensington.... long story can not explain.

looks like my apathy was less apathy and more me not really paying attention to what I'm really thinking. Which is cool but not. well at least I think that's what it was.

interesting options brought up to me yesterday which made me feel a little more hopeful.

I have been up since 3:30am and woke up every hour last ngiht so I feel like I should be sleepy though I'm kind of not.

Ran errands today that I needed to do so YAY ME!

I feel all caught up which is kind of nice. for awhile my life was laying by the wayside because I was sick and work was pretty consuming.

This week is going to suck because I'm working 11 days in a row but you do what you've got to do.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-10-21 / 1:35
I think it was bad cheese