amazingly not hung over.

tomorrow night I have to behave and dance not drink because I have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed to meet my mom on Sunday... though she probably knows way more about hang overs than I ever will.....

ha! the stamp on my wrist from the bar says "Get Lucky", well no, I didn't. Not that I was trying, mind you. Still standing in the station waiting on the Trady train to approach the platform. There are theories flying around at work about when he'll call from Seattle. The crowd favorite is before Monday. When this all went down I made a big motion about waiting around for him, well that was slightly modified. @ weeks from the time he left.... that's what I'm giving him. I think it's more than ample.... all he has to do is call and say "Hey! Seattle is goood/bad/indifferent"....after those two weeks I'm not gonna be on the prowl or anything if he doesn't get in touch with me, but if it's cute and it wants to dance with me I'm not saying no.

wow, I'm really tired... and it's Saturday which means it's perfectly acceptable for me to crawl right back in bed and sleep a while longer.

Why that even sounds like a master plan..... and who can say no to a master plan....master plans rule over all other plans.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-11-16 / 9:50
Get Lucky