I talked to D last ngith before bed and felt better.

she another one like me that sorta sits on the fence between "good" and "bad"

I explained everything to her and she got it just like I knew she would.

Vince broke down for me in terms I get.... Top Gun terms that is.

there is the "Goose" straight arrow kind of guy.

the "Maverick" kind of guy.....

and then there is the "Iceman."

no, we're not drowning in pop culture. not at all. but he's right.

pretty much all men can be narrowed down to the characters in Top Gun.

But if anyone starts singing "You've Lost that Loving Feeling" to me in a bar I'm so out of there.

work sucked. district walk throughs. I was so glad to be out by 1:30.

I hate it when district comes because one minute everything you're doing is fabulous and the next it's "She's new. she doesn't know anything yet." and all your hard work has been for nothing.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-23 / 1:52
the world according to Top Gun