ok for those who don't know I'm incredibly curious. I was just napping (old habits, so hard to break.) and I woke up to the roomates fighting.

the roomates never fight or at least they don't let me hear them if they do.

so I came out of my room because he was standing outside my room and I thought I wold be cool and let them know hey I can hear ya.... but now I'm burning with curiosity. Burning I tell ya.

things around here could get very very interesting but I think I heard them break up...... I of course will be effected by this whether I want to be or not.... rent wise, people wise.


addendum: I spoke too soon, things seem all peachy with them again.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-09-26 / 6:07
did I just hear what I thought I heard?