the kitchen is clean.

somehow the roomate got out of doing the dishes, and his girlfriend did most of them, which is weird because she's not the one who dirties the dishes. but they were done and I'm happy.

I scrubbed down the counters and cleaned the microwave so I feel all productive.

I swear if my mother knew how neat and tidy I've been since I've moved she would think there was a pod under my bed. I can not explain the change. For 24 years I have been incredibly messy, to the point that when I had my studio in LA you couldn't even walk through it. Clothes, books, magazines, schoolpapers everywhere. but now there is nothing on my bedroom floor.

Ok, I conceed that the living room is a mess right now but that is because it is filled with half built furniture. My roomate and I start on these projects but we never finish them until we are forced to by the looming threat of guests coming over.

I don't know if I've mentioned that one side of our apartment faces this big empty field so if we sit on the porch you can see the frollicking and romping of squirrels, bunnies and birds. I hate squirrels. Sure they are cute and fuzzy, but after I learned in my plauges through the ages course that they they are one of the few animals capable of carrying the black plauge they just aren't as cute and fuzzy anymore. And I'm pretty sure they are plotting against us. One of these days there just won't be an update because the squirrels will have gotten me for once and for all.

It's a running joke that my roomate is in league with the squirrels to try and get rid of me. I think they are devious and evil and will some day turn against him anyway....... after every failed plot against my life he mumbles something about "damn lying squirrels" I think I'm safe for now. The squirrels seem to be quite bumbling and inept.

though the whole squirrel assasin squad's plaot against me makes little sense after the garlic in the ice cubes plot that took place this morning. You see I noticed that my cola smelled like garlic this morning because the ice cube tray had been left on the counter while my roomate was making dinner last night and he got garlic salt in the ice cube tray. Garlic is good for your immune system so he told me he was trying to be sneaky and make me healthier but spiking the ice cubes with garlic. Why would he be trying to make me healthier if he's just going to sic the squirrels on me later. Well unless the squirrels like a challenge.

we have to entertain oursleves since we are bycotting the local cable comany for their lack of cartoon network.

*note: it has not yet been determined if the wild bunnies and birds who live near us are in league with the squirrels or not.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-06-30 / 2:03
Squirrel assasins......