well I guess I was tired. I had a nap and slept right through the phone ringing.

One of the boys calling to tell me they were home. I'm glad. I missed them. I wanted to hear if they had fun or not, see if anything scandalous happened.......

but now they are at hockey, and I won't find out until tomorrow.

I feel all restless and in the mood to start trouble. but alas no trouble will be started because there is work tomorrow.

You can hear the pipes through the walls when the neighbors run water. I thought about running all over the house and turning on all the taps just for a laugh. I like my neighbors so maybe for a mean laugh...... though I swear that is what they do whenever they hear the shower here. Turn on everything they can because the water has a way of changing tempurature about five times in 15 minutes. One of the less perky perks of living in our place.

It could be worse I suppose. Like when I lived in the 'dorms' (they were dorms but not owned by the school I went to.... privately owned so much more like apartments) the fire alarm was on the blink and would go off once a week or so and there everyone would be in the hallway in their jammies debating on whether we should all leave the building or not. It was the most horrible noise known to man and there was a speaker for it in every apartment. After about the first month and a half I rigged up something to cover the speaker so I could try to go back to sleep. Then there was really a fire and by this time we were so accustom that no one left their apartments and we all died. (Ha! how's that for a moral to a story? Flaw being I'm here telling it)

ok so only I survived. Everyone else died. naw, no one died. They called over the loudspeaker and said there was actually a fire and everyone had evacuate.... the fire wasn't even in my building.

I think the fire alarm was actually possesed like in a Stephen King novel because it had the knack for going off at 3am the morning before a test. Hmmm possessed by a ghost of a student that flunked out of school and became a hobo because their roomate was too loud and kept them up all night and no one did anything about it. Matter of fact the other students mocked him because of the giant bags under his eyes and called him..... uh bag eyes..... and that's his revenege..... old bag eyes ringing the fire alarm. Why am I not in school anymore I could have gone out into the hallway at 3am and muttered something like "There's old bag eyes again, making the fire alarm go off." and my neighbors could have thought I was nuts.

That would have ruled.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-08-25 / 8:07
Old bag eyes