So we ended up not going to Cherry last night. maybe I didn't mention that's where we were going but anyhow that had been the plan... anyhow went to the Underground instead. and I got accidentally smashed. now you ask how does one get "accidentally" smashed? well you only eat a little bit and you have a couple drinks in rapid succession from a bartender that makes them pretty strong and you have a recipe for distaster.

I was unpleasantly ill. haven't been that way in awhile and of course I remembered why I tend to only have one drink when I go out.....

ah but my boy took care of me because he's sweet and wonderful.

Speaking of that, irrational worrier that I am, I keep waiting for something to go wrong. and then I get mad at myself for thinking that way. paranoia paranoia!

Anyway, I'm just unacustomed to the kind of attention he gives me and it's pretty much taking all I've got in me not to act like a feeb in response.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-01-12 / 12:58
don't be a feeb