back from seeing the girls.

there were drinks and cute boys as promised, but I had forgotten how much I dislike PB.

good looking guys with tanned girls that have fake boobs as big as my head. it's so not my scene.

though D told me something that made my day. That's right my boyfriend is coming to town. Better Than Ezra in Oct. whoooo hooooooo. I won't make the mistake I made last time and not get tickets early enough.

I managed to almost knock myself out cold while watering the plants. cracked my head on a tree branch.

I had a talk with the cat about relationships, he showed his distain for the subject manner by ripping up the couch.


food. I need food.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-04 / 7:49
not my day