checking in from the space and comfort of the boyfriend's house.

had a near miss with Sara at the Roswell signing. a wasted trip for both of us.

it would seem good things are happening for people... maybe the mojo shall rub off on me. wouldn't that be keen?

emailed off to my favorite lady I used to work with. hopefully I'll hear back from her soon.

Tomorrow could very well may be the worst day I have ever had at work. I go in at 6pm and get out whenever we're done (last year it was 4:30am) that's right kids that dreaded day is up on it's *gasp of horror* inventory. inventory sucks ass. 'nuf said.

well off to eat the pizza my boy made me soon (isn't that so sweet?)


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-02-26 / 8:45
the worst day of the year