I sorta had a plan but my old problems bit me in the ass.

it's so incredibly depressing.

oh well.

all I can do is take care of business and form a new plan.

how I'm gonna take care of business..... well that is yet to be completey seen.

everything happens for a reason.


yea, you know it's bad when I've resorted to my old battle cry.

battle crys are funny things.... I think everyone should have one. some you pick, some just pick you. One of my first serious boyfriends used to yell "freeeeeeeeedom" when he went through yellow lights.

maybe this is a small thing, maybe most people don't have one. I think everyone should.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-09-23 / 6:10