I'm fucked.

tomorrow at 8a.m. to be prescise is when I will be fucked and it's not in the good way.

I hate district people. I hate them with a passion.

I made some progress with the stuff he'll be looking at tomorow but not enough and I'll only have three hours to get it all done tomorrow.

I'm suppose to clean today. I will. eventually.

at least tomorrow night will be good..... or I hope it will be good.

I don't know if anyone else does this, but when I read other people's diaries, people I've never met I try to put together the pieces of the life and figure out what they look like and what they do. most everyone talks about relationships, and around here a lot of people actually know other people that have diaries. So I flip between their diary and their friends diaries trying to figure out who they might be talking about when they are being vauge. over active imagination I guess.

I'm expecting email from someone I met awhile ago. Not entirely sure what it'll say or if it'll lead anywhere he met me ona bad day and actually enjoyed that I was rather bitchy. I'm not saying that I'm not bitchy but I was really in rare form that night so I know even if it were to lead to something it probably wouldn't last long because I'm not what he thinks I am. I tried to explain that I'm not really like that and he seemed to get it, but I don't know. totally different personalities and interests but I never seem to meet people who have the same interests I do so I've given up on that. It baffles me why he's even interested in me at all. it was kinda of nice though, I had forgotten about him just sort of written him off, but he keeps coming around. 4th of July he told me that I should have been out with him to watch fireworks. on the 4th I had completely forgotten about fireworks even though I could have just gone to the end of the driveway to watch them had I thought about it. The 4th was not exactly the best holiday and at the time fireworks were the last thing on my mind, but it's nice to have someone you find attractive say they wish you had been there with them.

like I said before, it's not going anywhere. Just a mild flirtation, but the conversation is nice and worthwhile. we never seem to cross paths at a convient time considering the other day was the first time I had heard from him since talking to him on the 4th. and we only sort of got ahold of each other then. but he left me a note and I left him a note back and then he left me a note saying he would email since I told him he had to even if he didn't want to because I said so.

anyhow I have no idea why I'm blathering on about this it just gave me a smile to have a note waiting today.

what can I say, I'm a sucker for cute boys paying attention to me.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-08-06 / 2:06
it's all in the timing