ok now no one is looking over my shoulder because D went to get some food so I'm all by my lonesome if you don't count the dog and the little brother (neither of them belong to me, you see my net is still down at home.)

Gosh where should I start?

Well first off let's talk about my birthday luck.

5 days before my birthday I got an email about a small private benifit John Mayer show in Hollywood and D was the coolest gal and bought me a ticket. So Mr. B&B and I went. 200 people roughly in a space the size of my living room and my kitchen combined. Talk about heaven...... he opened with the song I've adopted as my own and it seemed he wa slooking at me... yea the show was that small that he could have been looking at me. I smiled he smiled..... Mr B&B smacked me in the back and said "He's looking at you!" and I think he was because the people around me kept looking back at me to see what on earth could John be looking at. blah blah blah... show stuff. it was great I have pictures... you weren't there so it would be pointless to tell you about it because you weren't there....... guess you had to be there... bwhahaha bad joke cheesy joke... hmm dont care.

side note we got lost on the way there... we got lost on the way home... but getting lost on the way home worked to our advantage. Mr B&B and I are driving down Sunset (more like sitting down Sunset because there was traffic on Thursday night at almost midnight) we're talking about the show gushing about how great it was when I focus my attention just outside the window to the car next to us and think "Gosh that guy looks a lot like....." outloud I say "Mr B&B, look out your window." John Mayer is in the passanger seat of the car next to us have quite the animated conversation. I hold up the poster I had someone untape from that balcony. John is not looking at us, but the bass player is. He smacked John and John looks at us. We wave. I'm giggling like a ninny (Hey it's been known to happen) John goes back to his conversation, then realizes we are still looking at him and he...... well I won't say what he did. Lets just say I was surprised. and amused.

On my actual birthday I went out with my mom and her friend that has known me since I was a preteen and got drunk and gambled at one of the local casinos. They also got the worst band in history to sing happy birthday to me...... Mmmmm chocolate mousse cheesecake for my birthday.

The next night the Canadian and Mr B&B came down and we met up with N. and D and went to the Corvette diner which was good fun and then off to Transport at the Whistle Stop..... it started off promising but by the end of the night we had all decided we wouldn't be going back there any time soon.

Tonight D and I are off to a birthday party thingie for msgolightly Happy Birthday Liz!

I have no idea when I'll be updating again maybe on friday.

still looking for a new job since they managed to screw me over once again and I'm moving on the 1st..... Yay me!


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-12-11 / 4:49
slightly more in depth