I am alive. really. I look like death but I'm alive. I swear.

Today killed me.

I came home and slept for hours.

and once again the roomies friend comes over and something weird happens. First the snake then the black widow.... now.... the X files.

we're sitting outside and we hear this weird high pitched movie and it sounds sorta X files-y. I say so and we look up and here are planes flying in formation behind me..... not that weird but it was all in the timeing. we wander a bit down the sidwalk to try to figure out where the music is coming from but then it stops. We go and sit again and it starts but when I point to the sky for everyone to listen, just as it get quiet I point again and it stops perfectly in tim with the motion of me pointing. And we never heard it again.

Weird in a "you had to be there" sort of way.

planning on trying to hit 50 this weekend. We shall see. I've been distracted, but it's a good distraction so I'm not complaining.

the getting to know you game on the slow low key level is kinda neat. but that is on hiatus this weekend so I'll have some time.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-08-28 / 9:06
I am not dead.... pale as a ghost but not dead