I wish I had a digital camera.

my toe is all gross and bloody.

I dropped a desk on it. ok so maybe I shouldn't have been taking it apart while I was wearing flip flops.

I think it's been established that I'm not a very graceful person. Almost knocking myself out with tree branches, almost falling off ladders, hitting myself in the face with billboards...... I pretty much with the self inflicted injuries.

I come by it honestly, my uncle shot himself in the leg once. and that wa sone of his milder dumb things he's done.

on a random note J and I decided I need a man slave so that when I'm hungry I can say "Go make me a sandwhich, bitch."

cause you know I would say that. if I had a man slave that is.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-08 / 5:32
ew it's so gross