4 day weekend... bring it on!

today was fairly kick back.

almost everyone I know is leaving a bunch of people put in their resignations this week and I say "Good for them!"

since my "new" job never came through I have a few places I could apply at but most are only hiring part time which sucks because I need to be full time.

I'm having roomate issues again. Nothing huge just little stupid shit. I know they wish they had the place to themselves but their whole attitude can be irritating. I went and bought groceries which everyone ate. Though when everyone else buys groceries well I pay for part of them. I don't eat the stuff they buy to make lunches so it's kind of not fair. But if there is soda in the fridge it's free game damnit.

also the jacking of my towel is annoying. I don't like having my bathroom stuff messed with. Leave my towel alone, and if you use it I sure as hell don't want it back after you dried off with it. Go get me a clean one.

I must say they clean up quite a bit since I quit doing it, they do the dishes and clean up the bathroom so bully for them.

Anyhow...... I need to do laundry but not today. maybe tomorrow since I'm off. It wouldn't hurt to clean my room either.

I've got some things on my mind I haven't found a way to say yet so they will just have stay on my mind.

I'm kinda of afraid to say them anyway, I should wait until I know more. Wait until I have a better idea about what's going on...... yes for now I'll just be quiet and broody...... in the not so broody and kinda happy way.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-08-29 / 2:46
the picking of the bones