I have that silly Kylie Minogue song stuck in my head. which is funny considering the title. (which is "I can't get you out of my head," for those of you not in the Minogue know)

I need to find satisfaction in more things.... today I actually had some sort of sense of accomplishment at work and it just perked me the hell up.

I like having things to do and knowing exactly what it is I'm doing. Uncertainty pisses me off to no end.

so I have my lists of what I'm doing and what I'm not doing and all is good. Screw anyone who doesn't agree.

I needed a confidence boost all around and found some in the weirdest places I guess.

I guess I just don't work like other people. Actually not having something to talk about with someone made me really happy for the strangest reason. Normally lack of common ground is just depressing and awkward, even for me. I've just found myself in my element at the most inappropriate times these past couple of days. when I put my mind to it I have what it takes, it's just remembering that when the going gets tough.

I'm not weak. I'm not stupid. I don't have a hunchback, and I'm pretty damn aware of my surroundings and when to say my piece. (not that having a hunchabck would make you unaware of your surroundings... well unless it was really big and blocked your view on one side or something.)

I kinda rule.... sometimes, you know, when I want to.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-08 / 3:04
I don't have a hunchback