I'm all itchy.

it's hot and I'm grouchy too.

my roomates bug the crap out of me.

nothing new I'm just silently stewing over the fact that if something is out in view it seems to be free game.

it must be being an only child but I'm not big on the sharing.

don't use my fingernail file just because it's sitting on the desk.

I don't mind if you use my VCR but it's been in your room for a week and even though I have nothing I want to watch I want it back. little stupid shit I know.

buying a bunch of groceries and then you eat them all is rather annoying.

So I have a plan. Slowly but surely all my junk is going into my room.

I don't know where I'm going to put it all and obviously food will stay in the kitchen. but I'm thinking I'm going to start doing day by day shopping for dinner and what not.

I'm just a grouch so little things are bothering me right now.

I just feel like I don't really live here anymore. It's that I don't want to live here. I want my own space where people don't mess with my stuff.

I'm not being fair I know. I mess with their stuff too, and I'm one and they are two. Things were just better before. We didn't have these kind of problems.... I don't blame her though, it's not her. It's him. He kinda became a bit of an ass since he started dating her. makes me sound jealous huh?

um no, and way no way. cause yea.

he's nice most of the time but what she sees in him I'm not entirely sure. I should stop ragging on him he's a good guy.


the nap was a mistake because I'll never sleep tonight.

he, who I met, is out of town for I don't know how long and I'm annoyed because I want to talk to him and I can't.

welcome to me acting like a spoiled brat.... pouting because I can't have what I want.

wow I'm even annoying myself...... I can't stand anyone's company today not even my own. That's good, being so cranky you don't even want to talk to youself.

is it fall yet?

I need orange leaves and scarves already.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-09-02 / 9:43
so cranky I can't even stand my own company