dropped by M's on the way to the store. her loser roomate was out and about.... talk about a change in someone. His girlfriend got him to cut his hair and is changing the way he dresses. he looks better but it's just sad to watch someone mold someone else into the person they want them to be.

M might come out with me this weekend which would be way cool. She was boxing all her stuff up to move at the end of the month... a couple of months ahead of schedule but I honestly think it's what is best for her right now. so I'm glad she's standing up for herself and making the changes she needs to.

made pasta for the shin diggity tomorrow......

my darling D is down in the dumps and I don't know what to do. I've so been there, hell I spend a lot of time there. I guess I'm just not the best at the cheering up mode, that's usually her job and I'm at a loss for it all.

I'll be houseitting mon through weds which should be kind of fun. obnoxious dogs and ponies to feed.....the house was like a second home to me growing up so it won't be any big thing.

I should try to hit the sack since I have to be up early for work tomorrow but I'm not tired in the least. I took a nap earlier and I know I'm gonna have a hard time sleeping tonight. my own damn fault.

addendum because I keep forgetting to tell this story and it amuses the hell out of me because of invisibledon's obsession with the thongs hanging out of the pants. when we had our big ta do walk through they went to the Junior dept and put thongs on all of the forms so that they hung out of the pants all trashy style.... I had told tardy about this which led to much mocking of me.... about why *I* didn't have my thong hanging out of my pants.

We were in Gordon Beirsh on Saturday night (this brewery) and he got up to go to the restroom, he comes back and says "I walked by the row of chicks and every single one of them had the g string sticking up out of the back of their pants. I wonder how many times I would have been slapped had I just gone along and snapped all of them. Your mannequin craze must be catching on." I asked if he had been slapped before (since I've done a little slapping in my life *ahem*) he said no but he did manage to have 2 drinks thrown in his face over the course of an evening once. I don't recall why..... but thinking back I don't think he recalled why either.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-11-14 / 9:55
while I was out