I live.

nothing new to report on for the most part. visiting the boy and the girl this weekend *snicker*

just watched Dude, where's my car? and shockingly liked it a whole damn lot.

I still hate my job. it is evil and worthless. I also never got called about the other one I applied for so screw those bastards cause they're missing out.

I must make huge mention of the fact that I am a spoiled brat. and I love it. *heehee*

it seems like things are looking up for those around me which is good because at least others are having a little better luck.

and now I'm all sleepy and stuff...... so until next week when I can get myself to a net connection again.....

and thennnnnnn?


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-02-22 / 8:45