last night was just weird.

went to the club.

*sigh* I'm tired of people talking shit. it's so silly.

I didn't have time to dress up due to being distracted by other things.

(met with the art director before the club. I don't want to do it but not because I'm afraid anymore. it's a long story but I'm sure I'm probably gonna bow out on the short)

but back to the club because that's where all the weird stuff happened.

first off I don't recall seeing C which means hell has frozen over because every week he is there rain or shine.

my roomate and his girl were running a little late so I had to do my standing alone loser thing for awhile, prime people watching opportunity. finally they show up and I let them in on the observation I made early. mostly that my ex must being doing what he does best and talking some extreme shit because talk about cold shoulder. not like they matter to me I'm sure they'll find out soon enough what a sleaze he is.

so I turn my head and there is eyebrow piercing guy that I met last time I was there. I was drunk I told him he was cute we danced awhile some other girl came and rubbed herself on him and I took off because, well I don't play those games. if she wanted him she could have him.

so very loudly I turn to the roomie and his girl and say "oh there is that guy that dissed me for that chick in the strpless dress." ya ok he had moved and was standing directly behind me at this point and I didn't know. he gives me this looks at he walks by my roomate is totally staring him down, not in a bad way but we had just been busted talking about him.

we eventually made it inside to dance. we're on the corner of the stage and there is eyebrow piercing guy just chillin by the dance floor watching me.

So I did what any self respecting girl would do. I pointed at him, crooked my finger at him. he just looked at me. so I did it again. he still just looked at me so I shrugged and waved it off. Then he came a runnin. so I still have some sorta mojo going on. it's not the most powerful but hey.

so I got smoochies. and I wore his cap around. it was fun but it's not like a thing. we didn't even exchange numbers. I wouldn't have given him mine anyway nor would I have called him. it was kind of left at I'll see you next time around.

the drive home is what sucked.

I was so tired from dancing that I got on two wrong freeways and then sat for 20 minutes in dead stand still on the 60 while they cleared an accident. everyone was getting out of their cars and hanging out like it was some big freeway party.

I was so tired I couldn't even make it all the way to my parents I stopped at the apartment and slept for a couple hours before coming here to feed in the morning.

I stopped at one point at the ampm at like 4am and had the nastiest rubbery hot dog because I was starving and I needed some air if I was going to make it back with out falling asleep behind the wheel. there I was just chilling in the ampm parking lot at 4am.

all tired and sweaty. but I had fun. and that's all that counts.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-07 / 12:58
the very very long night