for some reason my good mood just took a nose dive. I can not pin point it... oh wait it's boredom. Yes I do believe it is.

that and I think I've smoked way too much over the past couple of days. my throat is a little raw.... then again it might be from singing at the top of my lungs in my empty apartment.

the roomate is away... went out with a girl from work.

I think he likes her. he says he doesn't but he can be a stinking liar sometimes. ok not really but maybe he doesn't know he likes her.

I swear if they hook up and I have to hear them having sex.... if I even think they are having sex I will be completely grossed out for the rest of my life.

then again if I was getting some maybe I wouldn't care but alas that's not happening and probably won't be for a damn long while. The whole not settling thing puts a damper on things. (why are the phrases "black and bitter" and "the camel" going through my mind...... I'm becoming one of the boys I think)

if I didn't feel icky I would go out tonight and flirt shamelessly. and come home alone. but I feel icky so why bother.

so maybe I'll stay in and do the alkie thing and have a couple drinks alone and enjoy the empty apartment.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-06-14 / 7:41
boredom breeds many entries