I've seen traffic slow over a number of strange things before but I think the other day was the most pointless and probably the most amusing in my opinion. I was on the way to my mom's and everyone pretty much came to grinding halt.... I couldn't see an accident ahead and this stretch of freeway at this time wasn't normally congested. I figured out what was holding up traffic a couple of miles up the road. someone has lost a case of top ramen on the freeway somehow and it was all over the place being run over. not really a reason to stop but ok. As soon as we passed the ramen, traffic went back to normal speeds. weird.

Spent the day with the mommy she rules the world. Spent the next day with my boys, who also rule...... and now I plan on playing video games for hours upon hours......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-04-20 / 12:05
I brake for Top Ramen