I'm back. miss me?

well I had a nice vacation.

honestly something like this so soon in a relationship could be the death knell... but it wasn't

heck I even got a ring out of the deal. ok not like a ring ring for all of you gasping in horror... a 4 dollar ring from the arcade cause, well, we thought it would be funny. oddly enough you put a ring on a girls finger even an adjustable one you cease to get laid. ok not really, it just worta worked out that way not like on purpose or anything.


we had fun.

we seemed to have moved beyond the initial getting to know you phase also cause you can't eat 4 days of buffet food without some sorta of consquences. but anyhow.

I'm home. I'm alive. I'm still attached and all is good despite some small fires breaking out while I was gone. all of which I expect to be updated on as soon as I see the girlies.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-01-18 / 9:47
I have returned, as I said I would