funny when something completely unexpected happens....

my night ended not how I guessed it would when I got home from work.

I felt kinda.... I don't know.

I shouldn't say because I'm unsure......

but I felt like I couldn't shut up all these things were jumping through my mind. But in a good way.

I... errrr.... oh.

useless to say anything right now.....

it would all just sound fucking dumb right now.

but um... I'm in a good mood.

I hate it when I want to say more but I just don't know if I should and.... yea.

me shutting up.....

hmm hyper.

oy. confused.

Sherpas... shit..... maybe sherpas

welcome to the lamest entry in recent history.......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-10-14 / 9:59
the lamest entry this week... and it's only Monday