the secret is out. I moved. to some not such a big deal but everytime before this I've tried to move and if I talk about it it doesn't happen and I really really needed this to come through. but it has and I moved this weekend..... but I haven't set up the computer so the only net access I have is when I can be sneaky and do it at work. like now when there is no one here but me.

D's sister's wedding is today and Dave will be in town so I'll be a busy girlie today......

went to the white stripes with my roomie on Thurs.... man they rock. I touched Jack for a brief second.... a story I'll have to save until later because my time is up.......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-06-01 / 6:08
the cat out of the bag