hmm well that was mildly depressing but I'm ok with it.

oddly enough I happened in on work to pick up some things for mom in the middle of my hunt, so I swung by the great court of food to get something to eat and who gets in line right behind me? hot guy from the music place. Oh yes I made him look twice. took a crusie around after eating to see who was hiring and what not, and when I walkd by there he happened to be standing near the front so I went in and pretended to browse as if my age had dropped ten years in a matter of moments..... haven't stalked someone in a mall since at least Junior High but whatever. and as all of his coworkers ignored me he came up and asked me if he could help me find anything. it would seem I lost my voice right because I said no it and it came out all squeaky and weird.... way to go Pie.... wow 'em with the mouse voice. but I smiled and he smiled and...... well that was it. not a damn thing happened. he walked by a couple of times to see what I was looking at I think..... they all dress alike and I wasn't going to be obvious about seeing who was walking past me. oh well. he's very nice to look at though.

I'm starting to think that being mildly depressed makes me more amusing... I find myself amusing and that's a comfort.... of some sort. my feet are killing me from wearing something other than tennis shoes all day. and at some point I should really make the trek to the grocery store this weekend. becoming old mother hubbard with these bare cupboards.

The roomates are out and about so it's nice and quiet. I found out that if anyone called for me while I was gone I'll never know because they aren't very good about writing anything down. there were 2 saved mesaages from the catalog center that I found today from a few days ago that no one bothered to mention. lovely. so if anyone else called I have no idea.

I'm fairly sure Tardy did not call while I was away and I've talked to everyone else since then so I guess no big loss on any account.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-11-23 / 5:28
it could have been miles worse