dishes are done so actual effort can be put into making a *real* entry.

Don't expect anything deep.

we have quite a few new people at work (to replace those who jumped ship... oh I wish I were one of them. Mom actually asked me in an email why I put up with what I do. Because I'm dumb and lazy, that's why)

my workplace is 95% women, so when a guy comes in we all perk up and take notice just cause life is not unlike that old diet coke commercial with the guy walking buy and all the women watching him.....Hrm. I think I just dated myself with that one.

anyhow..... we have two new guys. One being Eye candy guy the other being... well Matt Dillon from the Flamingo Kid.

I actually said to my roomate today "Matt Dillon is kind of weird, or is it just me?"

my roomate said, "No, he's weird it's not just you."

Oddly enough in the semi dark stock room he was kinda cute when he first got there. Until I saw him upclose and then. well. anyway. (I found I was not the only one to have that particular reaction. A coworker and I discussed this after she had called on my behalf to ask HR how old he was. no, I did not ask her to do this. This is just what she does.)

now I don't know if I'm being an ego maniac... and considering how I look when I go to work... well if anyone ever really had a crush on me at work they must need glasses.... but I think Matt Dillon follows me around. Maybe I'm just paranoid.

I wish Eye Candy would follow me around. Hell I actually looked nice today and he wasn't even at work.

Not that I would ever date someone I worked with... messy messy messy. and Um no. Did it once, bad news, won't do it again. We figured out that Eye Candy is the son of another store mananger but I don't think even that will save his ass if our very own store manager ever whips around on her broom fast enough to catch him making faces at her behind her back. I find it kind of amusing that he does this, but I hate her so..... I don't think he likes the job much anyway he always has a grouchy expression (fucker.... he's cute enough that grouchy comes off as brooding. what a bastard.) but if you crack a joke he fires one right back.

I guess he's sorta like me in the nice once you get to know them sort of way. We're both kinda of old school because we have/had family in the company. Ah well he's probably young and probably gonna date that girl that I trained who got the promotion. because that's how it works.

I miss the old guard. me, M, Clout. Work was occasionally fun in those days. All the fun has been sucked dry out of that place. Even the old guard that is still there aren't fun anymore. God forbid anyone laugh or else the head bitch will beat you with her broom. Everyone is so disgruntled that it's hard to even crack a smile. Once I get out of there I hope to never again work in a place where the head person makes someone cry every day.

Seriously the bets part of my day is seeing what good song will be played by our music channel..... oddly enough I was singing along with Norah Jones when one of the guys from the salon who cracks me up came and asked me if I liked "this kind of music" we got into a big discussion about it..... this was the highlight of my day, along with singing to John Mayer before the store opened.

My life has become pathetic.... I'm not saying you are always going to like what you do for a living but your job shouldn't make you so depressed that you don't even want to get out of bed.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-10-24 / 5:42
an entry about concentration camp.... err I mean work