there are some things that I do at work that are just pointless.

Broadcasts are one of them.

we sit for an hour watching these dorks from the home store talk about the same thing everytime and we don't learn a damn thing.

Mostly we just sit around and make fun of the idiots who host the broadcasts.... todays degenerated into making mustaches out of black video tape stickers and talking about how scary the old manquins that had nipples were.

I really wonder why it's mandatory for us to watch these things. They are incredibly lame and a good 95% of the time we know more about what they are talking about than they do.

I did actually accomplish work today though, I am proud to say. not a lot of work but some.

completely unrelated I saw that someone had listed me as a fav using my quote about my roomate and his girl.... which propts me to this little life lesson when dealing with roomates...... if you hear noises and you don't know what it is, don't try to figure it out because once you do figure it out you will have scary mental images that will cause you to have to go to therapy for the rest of your life. Again if you hear starnge noises just ignore it because you probably don't want to know. When you get to this point things that go bump in the night are a hell of a lot scarier than the boogeyman.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-06-24 / 2:30
Scarier than the boogeyman