absolutely nothing exciting happened today.

I've been really tired lately. Like to the point of almost exhaustion and I don't know why. my stomach is acting up again too. ok that's the end of my whiney portion to this entry.

I forgot to mention the weirdest part of the snake incident last night. while we were waiting for animal control to call us someone from AT&T called, to ask us to switch long distance I'm assuming..... I htink I made his day. it went something like this:

me: hello

AT&T guy: Hi I'm so and so from At&T

me: I can't really talk right now I'm dealing with a rattlesnake on my porch.

AT&T: really?

me: Yes really.

AT&T: You know how to deal with a rattlesnake right?

me: Not really

AT&T: well you get on your knees and you tackle it *when he said "You get on your knees..." I almost said "since when did AT&T start making 1-900 esque calls to people's houses?" I guess my mind just always jumps to the perverted.

me: This is not a crocodile, it's a rattlesnake and I'm not Steve Erwin.

AT&T: well it was worth a shot.

me: Uh huh

AT&T: well you have a nice night and good luck on not being killed.

me: Uh huh, yea thanks.

of all the times for freaking AT&T to call......

I don't know how often I've touched on the odd group we have at work. I know I've never talked about Clout guy. Clout is probably 20, good looking, sweet kid. we spend pretty much all the time we see each other sexually harrassing each other in such a manner that if anyone who has a PC bone in their body would blush. Clout has a girlfriend and no interest in me but we have this weird friendship.

I call him Clout because of the time we were in the freight elevator and there was a giant laundry detergent bucket (the kind you get at Costco) sitting there. Clout brand. He didn't know what the word meant. I kept telling him he had no clout and finally explained what it meant. he of course, in the nature of our friendship, told me he had clout and he would show it to me...... later on when I was on the elevator alone I was using the bucket as a chair and had to tell him that I sat on his clout, which made his day. Later M and I told him how we both sat on his clout and how he should feel special. When I started dating someone he asked if that meant I wouldn't be sitting on his clout anymore...... I told him I still would as long as we didn't tell anyone.....

ok so that story is probably only funny to us, and had no point to it. but hey we make our own fun.

Poor deluded Clout comes to me for advice about his girlfriend... as if I were anyone to give advice on such matters.

sometimes I really love the people I work with.... I think it's the only thing that keeps me sane there.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-16 / 2:34
more stuff about the snake, and an intro to Clout