well holy shit on a stick..... the Tardy has returned. well. I don't know what to do about that.

after a week of shocking news this is only mildly jolting.

Becky and I worked on our names theory on the phone.... Chris... bad. Dans.... bad..... and then there is the ever popular J names bad.

In case it hasn't been readily apparant Tardy is a Chris... and then there is this other Chris possibly warming to my charms..... well at least I won't call anyone by the wrong name because they are all named Chris.

So as of the first I'm going to be unemployed. scary. but lots of job hunting this weekend so we shall see.

Hung with the mom yesterday and next weekend the boys are taking me to San Jose for hockey!

oh and there are work stories but those will wait until tomorrow because I'm congested and kinda of grumpy......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-12-19 / 10:39
Tardy...... who knew how veryl ate he would be