I went to see my mom today. vegged out on her couch for most of the day and did some laundry.

we got The Mothman Prophecies on pay per view and it was pretty darn good I have to say.

We were talking about things and I think maybe when the six months is up and I have to find a new roomate and what not I may just move. Maybe to Northern California, maybe out of state entirely. I've never lived anywhere but Southern California and it would do me some good to live somewhere else. I'm just tired of it here. a stupid reason to move I know. but I've never lived anywhere for very long. we always stayed in the same general area, except when we moved to Tahoe, I think I get restless if I stay in one place too long. I've been back here for over a year now and maybe it's time to start something new.

Of course I would have to find a job and a place to live and all that jazz which kinda freaks me out. but I think it's time to go. start all fresh somewhere else. I love my friends and stuff but there is nothing to tie me here.

this is probably not the week to decide that I'm packing up and heading somewhere else because right now anywhere but here sounds nice. but if anyone knows nice places to live with fairly cheap rent and jobs aplenty drop me a line.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-07-27 / 10:58
maybe it's time