I completely flipped at work today. Just lost it.

I think there is a plot at corporate to kill us. So if I stop updating ti's because I'm dead.

seriously this will be a month of 4am and 5am starts. yuck. Oh yes and many six day work weeks.

but due to my complete flip out I will be getting that day off that was discussed with Mr B&B last night. Thank God.

The funny thing was once I flipped I lightened up a whole lot, I also got a bunch of stuff done today. Go figure.

my boss is an idiot, I know I;ve said this before but now I have a story. She broke the elevator today.... by dropping part of a breakaway table down the shaft.... you know down the little gap in the floor. She thought this was funny..... and had to tell us all she had done it. Yikes.

I guess she was bragging about how she had done something too. when in actuallity I was the one who figured it all out and she did was the grunt work. It's really not her I'm frustrated with at work though, it's the whole structure. They want us to move mountains in the time it takes to move molehills for slave wages. Oh they are the druids in that Eddie Izzard bit about stonehenge..... I'm Welsh and I don't know where my home is anymore! You had to be there I guess.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-10-01 / 3:02
Building a henge we are