as it stands I have a four day weekend next weekend.

We'll see. I have a feeling I may get screwed out of it. Oh well.

No one was at work today. It was such a relaxing day. I got a bunch of stuff done but all the pressure and stress that normally goes on wasn't there because of the lack of evil people peering over my shoulder. how refreshing. Actually got to see M today for the first time in what seems like 2 weeks. We were able to talk and it sounds like things are in a big transition for her. She's freaking out but it sounds like when all the dust settles it'll be a good thing. Hopefully we can talk about it more on Sunday.

It's Friday, glorious Friday and I plan on staying home. I can not wait until everyone clears out of the house and I be alone. Not that things are going badly per say. There are just little mildly irritating things that I could do without for an evening.

One of the big things is not being in the loop. Things are going on and no one is telling me jack. Uh hello, I live here too! but what else is new?

I had the weirdest day yesterday. my boss broke down. as much as I bitch about her I do genuinely feel sorry for her. Our company used to be a nice place to work who took care of their people and now after being with them for 20 years she doesn't know what to do. She's terrified to try to go anywhere else. I never want to be that way. Stuck somewhere I hate and resigning myself to the fate that I've been there X number of years and I'll never ever leave no matter how shitty they treat me. She doesn't seem to understand that they have no loyalty to her naymore so she sure as hell should ditch her loyalty to them. she has put the company before her family for so long now she doesn't know how else to be. I hope I can keep my priorities straight when I get into some sort of career path.


I'm hungry and groggy and need to go get something to eat and something to drink so my plans can commence. I have a lofty goal of breaking 50 tonight. don't think it will happen but it's a goal. If not tonight perhaps tomorrow.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-08-23 / 6:03
As the world turns......