I was at work yesterday, because I go there to make the money. Anyhow this older Asian woman asked me to help her carry out her bags. So I of course helped, though I kept having to stop and wait for her. I can not seem to walk and a normal pace. I always walk fast. But this is not the point of the story..... the point of the story is she thanked me, telling me I was a very nice person, and then said this (she had a very thick accent) "You very pretty," I thanked her and she comes back with "I think I like you cause you not fat."

Really what can you say to that? "I like it that I'm not fat too?"

I think I'm in a much better mood than I was yesterday. Talking to MV last night I just got on the depressed train.

It's a very odd situation when you miss someone but you don't actually miss them you miss the way they made you feel or how the situation made you feel. That's dangerous ground to be on because how do you know with anyone you meet if you like them or you like how they make you feel...... or is it really the same thing. There are people that are in love with being in love, not really the people they are with. I've only been in love once and really it turned out to be a miserable experience...... maybe I'm just in love with making out. That would be awesome if it were the case, though I've been spending far too much time away from my true love cause not a whole lot of making out going on.

ha I love this! This movie was great, ok I cheated to get my results but I could tell by the questions who I would be......

Buddy: the Six String Samurai
You are Buddy: the Six String Samurai! You could be the king of Lost Vegas, if only this
kid would leave you alone. The Bowlers, The Red Elvises, Cannibals, and the
Russian army can't stop you from reaching
Vegas. But Death might. He's killed all the
other guitar wielding rock and roller's on the
road. Be careful or you're next.

Which vigilante are you?
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1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-05-18 / 11:21
yea, me too