my descent into pop music whoredom is just getting worse.

NSync, BBmak, and now Evan and Jaron....... BEcky's been preaching the hotness of Evan and Jaron for awhile but I'm slow to this pop music thing. and why do those pop music boys have to be so hot... stupid fuckers. I must resist. I will resist.

the funniest thing... I don't even watch MTV or listen to top 40 radio and yet I still can't manage to avoid it.

it's seriously tempting right now to let people lay bets on my love life.

4.... the tally has grown to 4. some more interested and more interesting than others. but 4. and no they don't know about each other. and I don't plan on letting anyone know anything just yet. I'll wait until the race gets a little closer. I don't really have a favorite. people seem to adore congressional intern boy though. Andy's just hot. No nickname boy is funny and goofy....... and nice..... and has a pierced tongue. (no I have not kissed him, I'm just saying) and the new guy don't know too much about him... he's cute and seems nice so we'll see.

this is the weirdest thing to me a lately I have had more dates and more interested guys than I've had in my whole life. ok granted they don't stick around long but still. my friends can't keep them all straight. actually the nickname system helps with this because my friends have found it's not worth learning their names. how sad is that? I wonder why I bother to learn their names sometiems beyond the whole fact that when I'm out with them that saying "hey you... I forgot your name, pass the butter please." would not really go over well. though I would think it was funny, but my sense of humor is a little skewed.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-14 / 5:16 p.m.
pop whoredom... and taking more than my share