I am a font of useless information..... I just know random things. my roomates seem to be constantly amazed and amused by this.

tonight it was a little like this.....

we were talking about military funerals

Mouth: "It's so sad when they shoot the guns."

Me: "21 gun salute"

Mouth: "Whatever, Webster."

I believe she meant like the dictionary, not like Emmanuel Lewis..... because what Emmanual Lewis would have to do with random trivia besides being a piece of one.

not that knowing what a 21 gun salute is all that random, I personally think it's pretty common knowledge but whatever.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-08 / 11:40
webster... no, not the little black kid from tv