Science Gal is back...... yea I had another date last night, thuogh this was a little odd. it was with somoene I had gone to high school with. he had been a few years ahead of me in school so we didn't know each at all. He had been a senior when I was a freshman, and for awhile there I had regressed about 9 years going "Ohhh a senior likes me."

we played a little pool. in which he won almost every game because I'm really not a very good pool player. we drank, and I drank maybe a little too much. and there were sparks, though I'm not sure now how much was booze induced. and he smelled good, like really good. but to make this all come to a point.... I don't think he's gonna call me. I just don't see it happening. I just got that vibe. We'll see, I'm not holding my breath and I won't really care if he doesn't but if he does cool. it was just odd to be out with someone you used to pass in the halls everyday, that you only vaugely remember, who totally doesn't remember you and have there be some sort of interest.

Sara: must talk to you soonly.

Julie: nice, even, round number, 2.0.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-26 / 6:11 a.m.
Science Gal: victim... errr test case 2