I love it when people surprise me. It doesn't happen very often because usually if I have a gut feeling that's just how things go.

Friday night I was talking about a book I was reading with Papi and my phone starts ringing. I figured it was JB finally returning my call (that's a story in itself that I don't want to tell. Not to distract from where this one is going but I got some insight about who JB really is and made some hard and fast choices.)

but as you can see from where this is heading it was indeed not JB, but The Trucker! (formerly known as the guy who leaves all the time) I was shocked. I haven't talked to him in 5 weeks. I figured he had gotten back into town a couple of weeks ago and just never called because he wasn't interested. but he actually just got back on Friday.

There is something alluring about him, besides the fact that he is physically highly attractive. It's actually rather annoying how attractive I find him. Ok, really annoying. He's self assured to borderline arrogant, and yet he somehow maintains levelheadedness and more importantly, personal responsibilty. Yay personal responsibilty! Personal responsibilty is hot. I think I'm starting to show my age with this crazy talk.

Anyhow, we hung out last night and it was really fun.

He was different last night. More open I guess. He's always seemed a little secretive which I attribute to his job. Kinda big on the secrets there. We talked about a lot of subjects that had never been touched on before. I don't know that I've ever met someone that is as comfortable being alone. He really enjoys his solitude. Which means in big flashing neon lights, don't get too attached sister, cause he likes it solo. Which right now is alright with me because I have no clue what I want.

part of me really wishes that he was a himbo, so I could just enjoy the hotness of him and not feel bad if it didn't work out. but no, I like talking to him. Hell, he's probably not even all that cute but he's cocky and he's smart, and funny as hell...... what a combo. Asshole, forcing me to be interested.

There are so many other things going on right now, good and bad but this is the most simple and most harmless to dwell on. The rest of it is working itself out without me having to do anything so why should I worry or even really think about it.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-06-06 / 6:25
keep on truckin'