I'm ready to bestow the title of "The Perfect Day" on Tuesday, well if I could forget about the sunburned ass, everytime I sit down I am reminded. Ouch.

The beach was perfect. Not too crowded, not too hot, not too cold, That's right Goldilocks it was just right. The water was even nice. Yes, I even went into the ocean.

I had on 45 sunblock, but I'm so pale that it didn't stop the burn.

We finally gave in to the pain after 5 hours at the beach and headed home. Seafood dinner, backgammon, bar, with a small side venture to the bar across the street from the bar. Which is beyond cool. Their Weds night sounds awesome.

if I had the energy or the cash flow to go out three times a week it would end up sounding something like this....

Tuesday: The bar

Wednesday: The club/bar across the street from the bar

Thursday: The bar/club four blocks down from the bar

I don't get out of that neighborhood much. The funny thing is they are three totally different vibes. The bar I go to because of my crazy czech girl. Tuesday's she closes over there and it's nice for her to have someone to sit with, plus I know pretty much everyone there. Weds nights I actually haven't checked out yet but I picked up the flyer and it sounds like my kinda deal, plus the place has a great looks inside. Fuzzy barstools!

Thursday I go out dancing with Velcro and assorted crew that shows up, and that's just about how sweaty can I get? How long can I dance? And how much frustration can I work out? (And how many boys can I lure with my dance? Mwhahahahaha, ok not really. I never like the ones I lure anyhow.)

Oddly enough I've started hanging out with girls. The girls I work with but girls none the less. I just wish they were more into the kinda of stuff I'm into. Very dissimilar musical tastes. I'm going to have to find a compatriot who will want to do the weds night thing at least once just to see what it's all about. Maybe Velcro will go. D would go but she has to be up so early in the morning. Hell worse comes to worse I'll go by myself.

time to rub on the aloe.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-06-03 / 8:43
hear the sizzling? it's my ass