on occasion I let my mind wander. Ok, my mind wanders more than the alignment on a car that has seen ever pothole in town..... but that was not the point of this musing.

What if you could plot the lives of every person you met in your life..... you would be the Velma of it all, the sun if you will (you had to see that commercial way back to get it, sorry.)

Something like here is person A, say you don't meet person A until you're 10 years old.

Your life is the flat line that runs through it all, and while that person is in your life their little life runs parallel with your little life and then something happens you run over their dog on accident or they move away and their life branches off in another direction. First of all it would be nearly impossible to find all the people you once knew to find out everything that has happened to them since you've parted. If they would even tell you in the first place.

Can you imagine what kind of paper that would take. Yes, in the computer age and I want it on a giant piece of paper written in crayon..... I don't know why. I just do.

For a nano second I wish I could be some omniscient being and just know what happened to everyone. Sometimes even stuff when they were still around hat I just missed out on. Like when I was a kid and I just didn't understand things like I do now.

Then again sometimes you're just better off not knowing.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-06-08 / 9:56