ok so the Becky sent me this pirate name thingie to me...

Red Ethel Kidd, kinda catchy, I kinda like it

get your own pirate name

actual conversation (as I remember it) this morning while trying to finger comb the knots out of my hair....

Me: "Ack" (or something to that effect)

Him: "I think it looks playful"

Me: "I look like I've been dragged through the bushes."

Him: "Being dragged through the bushes can be playful"

Me: "Depending on who's doing it"

Him: "A bear wouldn't be playful."

Me: "Or a mugger."

it struck me as funny just because I really can't think of anything "playful" about being drug through the bushes.... dragging would conotate that you don't really want to go... and anything or one that would drag you through the bushes generally isn't playing around, but perhaps I just think of everything in negative and there is a nice friendly park ranger or fuzzy bunny that would like to take people on drags through the bushes.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-07-16 / 11:50
through the bushes we go