I had some amusing little something or other to put here but I have completely forgotten it. I sucketh greatly..... take that however you please.

my eyes are going all wiggy and I'm kinda in a "need a nap" mode but I must stay awake because I have plans this evening.

hey you wanna know what I was thankful for last night? No! not that you sickos.... well ok that too, but I what I was thinking of right now would be FX.... because they had the Buffy marathon last night featuring what is probably my favorite epsiode.... that's right Mr Hottie Boom Bottie himself James Marsters, as Spike, in the subway all punk rock. of course I had to deal with Mumbles mumbling to himself about selling his dirt bike while I was trying to watch it but you know it's all cool..... I guess. watching tv with guys is never fun. they just keep asking stupid questions like "shouldn't she be killing him?"

No she shouldn't be killing him you retard! no one should kill Spike..... EVER.

he of course understands none of this.

my tummy hurts and maybe I could pull off a little nap. just a tiny one.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-23 / 5:46
make your own damn fun